All the seminars given on December 13 2016 at the “workshop on Numerical Relativity in matter spacetimes for Gravitational Wave astronomy (NRmGW)” in Valencia (Spain) are now available on YouTube. Below you can watch my talk on “Magnetic Field Effects in Neutron Star Binaries”.
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The Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) has now published online my report on my latest PRACE project “GRSimStar – General Relativistic Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers”. The report is written in a way that can (hopefully) be understood by the general public and includes also a short movie from one of my simulations. Enjoy!
Our paper describing fully general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations of binary neutron stars with the APR4 equation of state has been now published on Classical and Quantum gravity!
With the paper we also published our gravitational wave signals, initial data, and movies.
Plus check our video abstract below!
Our contribution to the book “High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2016” has been published. The book can be downloaded for free in pdf format from this link. The book collects the main results from simulations run on the supercomputers at LRZ.
You can find our contribution titled “General Relativistic Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers” at page 50. These simulations were run as part of our PRACE proposal “2014112625 – GRSimStar – General Relativistic Simulations of binary neutron Star mergers “.
From June 13 to 17 we hosted the first European school of the Einstein Toolkit and its second European workshop. Approximatively 40 people attended the event from both inside and outside Europe.
Slides of lectures and talks can be downloaded from the event web page at
Yesterday I attended the “INAF after GW150914” meeting in Rome. I was asked to give a short theoretical overview on electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources (pdf slides can be downloaded here). The focus of the meeting was to better understand the important role that the Italian Astrophysical Research Institute (INAF) can play in the gravitational wave era. The whole meeting was broadcasted live and you can watch it (in Italian) on INAF YouTube channel. Below instead you can listen to my talk (in Italian).
Today Giovanni Prodi and his collaborators gave an excellent public outreach talk on the discovery of gravitational waves and their important contribution to this amazing result. The video below is in Italian and was filmed at the University of Trento.
Today the discovery of gravitational waves was finally announced. Below you can find the video of the NSF press conference and a simple video explaining what gravitational waves are 🙂
Today I got the Italian National Scientific Qualification to become an Associate Professor. This “habilitation” will be valid until January 2020. 🙂
JILA published a research highlight on my recent work on “General Relativistic Simulations of Accretion Induced Collapse of Neutron Stars to Black Holes“. The text can be found on JILA webpage at