This is the list of my scientific publications. Please note that the following list does not include LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration papers (my full list of publications can be found here). All the links point to the NASA Astrophysics Data System where both the publicly accessible version of the papers (as posted on the arxiv) and the published versions can be downloaded.

Submitted Papers (not yet published):

  1. Abac Adrian et al 2025, The Science of the Einstein Telescope
  2. Colombo Alberto, Sharan Salafia Om, Ghirlanda Giancarlo, Iacovelli Francesco, Mancarella Michele, Broekgaarden Floor S. , Nava Lara, Giacomazzo Bruno, Colpi Monica 2025, Multi-messenger observations in the Einstein Telescope era: binary neutron star and black hole – neutron star mergers

Published Papers:

  1. Kalinani Jay V. , Ji Liwei, Ennoggi Lorenzo, Lopez Armengol Federico G., Timotheo Sanches Lucas, Tsao Bing-Jyun, Brandt Steven R, Campanelli Manuela, Ciolfi Riccardo, Giacomazzo Bruno, Haas Roland, Schnetter Erik, Zlochower Yosef 2024, AsterX: a new open-source GPU-accelerated GRMHD code for dynamical spacetimes
  2. Neuweiler Anna, Dietrich Tim, Brügmann Bernd, Giangrandi Edoardo, Kiuchi Kenta, Schianchi Federico, Mösta Philipp, Shankar Swapnil, Giacomazzo Bruno, Shibata Masaru 2024, General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations with BAM: Implementation and code comparison
  3. Colombo Alberto, Duqué Raphaël, Sharan Salafia Om, Broekgaarden Floor S., Iacovelli Francesco, Mancarella Michele, Andreoni Igor, Gabrielli Francesco, Ragosta Fabio, Ghirlanda Giancarlo, Fragos Tassos, Levan Andrew J., Piranomonte Silvia, Melandri Andrea, Giacomazzo Bruno, Colpi Monica 2024, Multi-messenger prospects for black hole – neutron star mergers in the O4 and O5 runs
  4. Fedrigo Giacomo, Cattorini Federico, Giacomazzo Bruno, Colpi, Monica 2024, GRMHD simulations of accretion flows onto massive binary black hole mergers embedded in a thin slab of gas
  5. Cattorini Federico, Giacomazzo Bruno, Colpi Monica, Haardt Francesco 2024, GRMHD simulations of accretion flows onto unequal-mass, precessing massive binary black hole mergers
  6. Çokluk Kutay A. , Yakut, Kadri , Giacomazzo Bruno 2024, General Relativistic Simulations of High-Mass Binary Neutron Star Mergers: rapid formation of low-mass stellar black holes
  7. Cattorini Federico, Giacomazzo Bruno 2024, GRMHD study of accreting massive black hole binaries in astrophysical environment: A review
  8. Tringali Maria Concetta, Puecher Anna, Lazzaro Claudia, Ciolfi Riccardo, Drago Marco, Giacomazzo Bruno, Vedovato Gabriele, Prodi Giovanni Andrea 2023, Morphology-independent characterization method of postmerger gravitational wave emission from binary neutron star coalescences
  9. Werneck Leonardo R. , Etienne Zachariah B., Murguia-Berthier Ariadna, Haas Roland, Cipolletta Federico, Noble Scott C., Ennoggi Lorenzo, Lopez Armengol Federico G., Giacomazzo Bruno, Assumpção Thiago, Faber Joshua, Gupte Tanmayee, Kelly Bernard J., Krolik Julian H. 2023, Addition of tabulated equation of state and neutrino leakage support to IllinoisGRMHD
  10. Lopez Armengol Federico G. et al 2022, Handing-Off the Outcome of Binary Neutron Star Mergers for Accurate and Long-Term Post-Merger Simulations
  11. Colombo Alberto, Salafia Om Sharan, Gabrielli Francesco, Ghirlanda Giancarlo, Giacomazzo Bruno, Perego Albino, Colpi Monica 2022, Multi-messenger observations of binary neutron star mergers in the O4 run
  12. Kalinani Jay V., Ciolfi Riccardo, Kastaun Wolfgang, Giacomazzo Bruno, Cipolletta Federico, Ennoggi Lorenzo 2022, Implementing a new recovery scheme for primitive variables in the general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code Spritz
  13. Cattorini Federico, Maggioni Sofia, Giacomazzo Bruno, Haardt Francesco, Colpi Monica, Covino Stefano 2022, Misaligned Spinning Binary Black Hole Mergers in Hot Magnetized Plasma
  14. Murguia-Berthier Ariadna, Noble Scott C., Roberts Luke F., Ramirez-Ruiz Enrico, Werneck Leonardo R., Kolacki Michael, Etienne Zachariah B., Avara Mark, Campanelli Manuela, Ciolfi Riccardo, Cipolletta Federico, Drachler Brendan, Ennoggi Lorenzo, Faber Joshua, Fiacco Grace, Giacomazzo Bruno, Gupte Tanmayee, Ha Trung, Kelly Bernard J., Krolik Julian, H. Lopez Armengol Federico G., Margalit Ben, Moon Tim, O’Shaughnessy Richard, Rueda-Becerril Jesús M., Schnittman Jeremy, Zenati Yossef, Zlochower Yosef 2021, HARM3D+NUC: A new method for simulating the post-merger phase of binary neutron star mergers with GRMHD, tabulated EOS and neutrino leakage
  15. Lazzati Davide, Perna Rosalba, Ciolfi Riccardo, Giacomazzo Bruno, Lopez-Camara Diego, Morsony Brian 2021, Two steps forward and one step sideways: the propagation of relativistic jets in realistic binary neutron star merger ejecta
  16. Cattorini Federico, Giacomazzo Bruno, Haardt Francesco, Colpi Monica 2021, Fully General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Accretion Flows onto Spinning Massive Black Hole Binary Mergers
  17. Cipolletta Federico, Kalinani Jay, Giangrandi Edoardo, Giacomazzo Bruno, Ciolfi Riccardo, Sala Lorenzo, Giudici Beatrice 2021, Spritz: General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics with Neutrinos
  18. Salafia Om S., Giacomazzo Bruno 2021, Accretion-to-jet energy conversion efficiency in GW170817
  19. Ricci Roberto et al 2020, Searching for the radio remnants of short duration gamma-ray bursts
  20. Cipolletta Federico, Kalinani Jay, Giacomazzo Bruno, Ciolfi Riccardo 2020, Spritz: a new fully general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code
  21. Endrizzi Andrea, Perego Albino, Fabbri Francesco M., Branca Lorenzo, Radice David, Bernuzzi Sebastiano, Giacomazzo Bruno, Pederiva Francesco, Lovato Alessandro 2020, Thermodynamics conditions of matter in the neutrino decoupling region during neutron star mergers
  22. Ciolfi Riccardo, Kastaun Wolfgang, Kalinani Jay Vijay, Giacomazzo Bruno 2019, First 100 ms of a long-lived magnetized neutron star formed in a binary neutron star merger
  23. Endrizzi Andrea, Logoteta Domenico, Giacomazzo Bruno, Bombaci Ignazio, Kastaun Wolfgang, Ciolfi Riccardo 2018, Effects of Chiral Effective Field Theory Equation of State on Binary Neutron Star Mergers
  24. Lazzati Davide, Perna Rosalba, Morsony Brian, López-Cámara Diego, Cantiello Matteo, Ciolfi Riccardo, Giacomazzo Bruno, Workman Jared 2018, Late time afterglow observations reveal a collimated relativistic jet in the ejecta of the binary neutron star merger GW170817
  25. Kelly Bernard, Baker John, Etienne Zachariah, Giacomazzo Bruno, Schnittman Jeremy 2017, Prompt Electromagnetic Transients from Binary Black Hole Mergers
  26. Kastaun Wolfgang, Ciolfi Riccardo, Endrizzi Andrea, Giacomazzo Bruno 2017, Structure of Stable Binary Neutron Star Merger Remnants: Role of Initial Spin
  27. Piro Anthony, Giacomazzo Bruno, Perna Rosalba 2017, The Fate of Neutron Star Binary Mergers
  28. Ciolfi Riccardo, Kastaun Wolfgang, Giacomazzo Bruno, Endrizzi Andrea, Siegel Daniel, Perna Rosalba 2017, General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of binary neutron star mergers forming a long-lived neutron star
  29. Kastaun Wolfgang, Ciolfi Riccardo, Giacomazzo Bruno 2016, Structure of Stable Binary Neutron Star Merger Remnants: a Case Study
  30. Kawamura Takumu, Giacomazzo Bruno, Kastaun Wolfgang, Ciolfi Riccardo, Endrizzi Andrea, Baiotti Luca, Perna Rosalba 2016, Binary Neutron Star Mergers and Short Gamma-Ray Bursts: Effects of Magnetic Field Orientation, Equation of State, and Mass Ratio
  31. Endrizzi Andrea, Ciolfi Riccardo, Giacomazzo Bruno, Kastaun Wolfgang, Kawamura Takumu 2016, General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers with the APR4 Equation of State
  32. Perna Rosalba, Lazzati Davide, Giacomazzo Bruno 2016, Short Gamma-Ray Bursts from the Merger of Two Black Holes
  33. Giacomazzo Bruno, Zrake Jonathan, Duffell Paul C., MacFadyen Andrew I., Perna Rosalba 2015, Producing Magnetar Magnetic Fields in the Merger of Binary Neutron Stars
  34. Dall’Osso Simone, Giacomazzo Bruno, Perna Rosalba, Stella Luigi 2015, Gravitational Waves from Massive Magnetars Formed in Binary Neutron Star Mergers
  35. Andersson et al 2013, The transient gravitational-wave sky
  36. Read et al 2013, Matter effects on binary neutron star waveforms
  37. Dionysopoulou Kyriaki, Alic Daniela, Palenzuela Carlos, Rezzolla Luciano, Giacomazzo Bruno 2013, General-relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamics in three dimensions: Formulation and tests
  38. Giacomazzo Bruno, Perna Rosalba 2013, Formation of Stable Magnetars from Binary Neutron Star Mergers
  39. Giacomazzo Bruno, Perna Rosalba, Rezzolla Luciano, Troja Eleonora, Lazzati Davide 2013, Compact Binary Progenitors of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts
  40. Giacomazzo Bruno, Perna Rosalba 2012, General Relativistic Simulations of Accretion Induced Collapse of Neutron Stars to Black Holes
  41. Giacomazzo Bruno, Baker John G., Miller M. Coleman, Reynolds Christopher S., van Meter James R. 2012, General Relativistic Simulations of Magnetized Plasmas around Merging Supermassive Black Holes
  42. Giacomazzo Bruno, Rezzolla Luciano, Stergioulas Nikolaos 2011, Collapse of differentially rotating neutron stars and cosmic censorship
  43. Baiotti Luca, Damour Thibault, Giacomazzo Bruno, Nagar Alessandro, Rezzolla Luciano 2011, Accurate numerical simulations of inspiralling binary neutron stars and their comparison with effective-one-body analytical models
  44. Rezzolla Luciano, Giacomazzo Bruno, Baiotti Luca, Granot Jonathan, Kouveliotou Chryssa, Aloy Miguel A. 2011, The Missing Link: Merging Neutron Stars Naturally Produce Jet-like Structures and Can Power Short Gamma-ray Bursts
  45. Giacomazzo Bruno, Rezzolla Luciano, Baiotti Luca 2011, Accurate evolutions of inspiralling and magnetized neutron stars: Equal-mass binaries
  46. Baiotti Luca, Damour Thibault, Giacomazzo Bruno, Nagar Alessandro, Rezzolla Luciano 2010, Analytic Modeling of Tidal Effects in the Relativistic Inspiral of Binary Neutron Stars
  47. Rezzolla Luciano, Baiotti Luca, Giacomazzo Bruno, Link David, Font José A. 2010, Accurate evolutions of unequal-mass neutron-star binaries: properties of the torus and short GRB engines
  48. Corvino Giovanni, Rezzolla Luciano, Bernuzzi Sebastiano, De Pietri Roberto, Giacomazzo Bruno 2010, On the shear instability in relativistic neutron stars
  49. Giacomazzo Bruno, Rezzolla Luciano, Baiotti Luca 2009, Can magnetic fields be detected during the inspiral of binary neutron stars?
  50. Baiotti Luca, Giacomazzo Bruno, Rezzolla Luciano 2009, Accurate evolutions of inspiralling neutron-star binaries: assessment of the truncation error
  51. Mizuno Yosuke, Zhang Bing, Giacomazzo Bruno, Nishikawa Ken-Ichi, Hardee Philip E., Nagataki Shigehiro, Hartmann Dieter H. 2009, Magnetohydrodynamic Effects in Propagating Relativistic Jets: Reverse Shock and Magnetic Acceleration
  52. Kellerman Thorsten, Baiotti Luca, Giacomazzo Bruno, Rezzolla Luciano 2008, An improved formulation of the relativistic hydrodynamics equations in 2D Cartesian coordinates
  53. Meliani Zakaria, Keppens Rony, Giacomazzo Bruno 2008, Faranoff-Riley type I jet deceleration at density discontinuities. Relativistic hydrodynamics with a realistic equation of state
  54. Baiotti Luca, Giacomazzo Bruno, Rezzolla Luciano 2008, Accurate evolutions of inspiralling neutron-star binaries: Prompt and delayed collapse to a black hole
  55. Giacomazzo Bruno, Rezzolla Luciano 2007, WhiskyMHD: a new numerical code for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics
  56. Giacomazzo Bruno, Rezzolla Luciano 2006, The exact solution of the Riemann problem in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics